Migrating from v2.x to v3.x

New Features

Support for additional scalar types and conversions built-in

These .Net types now are automatically mapped to corresponding built-in custom scalar types:

  • Byte
  • SByte
  • Short
  • UShort
  • UInt
  • ULong
  • Guid (maps to IdGraphType by default; also supports GuidGraphType)
  • BigInt

There is also support for converting base-64 encoded strings to byte arrays. See the FAQ and the ValueConverter class for more details.

See Schema Types for more details.

Other new features

  • Based on .Net Standard 2.0, supporting .Net Core applications
  • Supports scoped services (see below under Dependency Injection)
  • Supports the System.Text.Json package for JSON serialization, in addition to the Newtonsoft.Json package
  • Data loaders work with serial execution strategies and can be chained together
  • Name converters can be configured to use a different function for field names versus argument names
  • Field builders can take an optional configuration action parameter
  • Support for auto-registering input object graph types via AutoRegisteringInputObjectGraphType
  • Added codes to ExecutionErrors
  • Document processing exceptions can be logged or modified (see below under Exception Handling)
  • Enhanced validation of graphs built-in
  • Supports filtering of schema introspection requests - see details here
  • Supports federated schemas - see details here
  • Supports schema 'description' property - see details here
  • Supports comment nodes - see details here
  • Supports result 'extensions' - see details here
  • Ability to limit maximum number of asynchronous field resolvers executing simultaneously - see details here

Breaking Changes

.NET compatibility

This project now requires the .NET Standard 2.0 and breaks compatibility with applications based on .NET Framework 4.6 and earlier. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/net-standard for a list of frameworks that support .Net Standard 2.0.


By default, the GraphType.Name property now is initialized in constructor and is the same as the name of the .NET type unless the name of .NET type ends in GraphType. In this case, the GraphType suffix is truncated and GraphType.Name is set to this value.


.NET GraphType Name Default Name
MoneyType MoneyType
MoneyGraphType Money

You can always set your own type name either in the constructor or externally. The result of this change is that it is no longer possible to have Graph Types with unspecified (null) or invalid names. This allows to avoid a number of errors and incomprehensible behavior at runtime.

Dependency Injection

The previous IDependencyResolver interface and FuncDependencyResolver class have been replaced by the .Net Standard IServiceProvider interface and the new FuncServiceProvider class.

//public Schema(IDependencyResolver dependencyResolver)
public Schema(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)

Also, the Schema.DependencyResolver property has been removed and not replaced. If you need to access the service provider from your graphs, you can include IServiceProvider in the constructor of the graph type. Your DI container will pass a reference to the service provider. For singleton schemas, this will be the root service provider, from which you can obtain other singleton or transient services. For scoped schemas with scoped graph types, this will be the service provider for the current executing scope. Casting Schema to IServiceProvider is also possible, but not recommended, and will yield similar results.

If you wish to access a scoped service from within a resolver and want to use a singleton schema (as is recommended), you can pass a scoped service provider to ExecutionOptions.RequestServices, which can then be used to resolve scoped services. For ASP.NET Core projects, you can set this equal to HttpContext.RequestServices. Be aware that if you are using a parallel execution strategy (default for 'query' requests), using scoped services within field resolvers can introduce thread safety issues; you may need to use a serial execution strategy or manually create a scope within each field resolver.

See the Dependency Injection documentation for more details, including service lifetime guidelines and restrictions when registering your schema and graph types.

Json parsing and serialization

Version 2.x relied on the Newtonsoft.Json library for parsing of input variables and serialization of response data. As the Newtonsoft.Json dependency has now been removed, a third-party library will be required within your application to parse and serialize json data. The GraphQL.SystemTextJson and GraphQL.NewtonsoftJson nuget packages include the necessary components to assist in this regard. Below are examples of the changes required:

Version 3.0 sample, using the Newtonsoft.Json package:

using Newtonsoft.Json;

private static async Task ExecuteAsync(HttpContext context, ISchema schema)
    GraphQLRequest request;
    using (var reader = new StreamReader(context.Request.Body))
    using (var jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(reader))
        var ser = new JsonSerializer();
        request = ser.Deserialize<GraphQLRequest>(jsonReader);

    var executer = new DocumentExecuter();
    var result = await executer.ExecuteAsync(options =>
        options.Schema = schema;
        options.Query = request.Query;
        options.OperationName = request.OperationName;
        options.Inputs = request.Variables.ToInputs();

    context.Response.ContentType = "application/json";
    context.Response.StatusCode = result.Errors?.Any() == true ? (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest : (int)HttpStatusCode.OK;

    var writer = new GraphQL.NewtonsoftJson.DocumentWriter();
    await writer.WriteAsync(context.Response.Body, result);

public class GraphQLRequest
    public string OperationName { get; set; }
    public string Query { get; set; }
    public Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject Variables { get; set; }

Version 3.0 sample, using the System.Text.Json package:

using System.Text.Json;

private static async Task ExecuteAsync(HttpContext context, ISchema schema)
    var request = await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<GraphQLRequest>
        new JsonSerializerOptions { PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = true }

    var executer = new DocumentExecuter();
    var result = await executer.ExecuteAsync(options =>
        options.Schema = schema;
        options.Query = request.Query;
        options.OperationName = request.OperationName;
        options.Inputs = request.Variables.ToInputs();

    context.Response.ContentType = "application/json";
    context.Response.StatusCode = 200; // OK

    var writer = new GraphQL.SystemTextJson.DocumentWriter();
    await writer.WriteAsync(context.Response.Body, result);

public class GraphQLRequest
    public string OperationName { get; set; }

    public string Query { get; set; }

    public Dictionary<string, object> Variables { get; set; }

This is just a simplified example of the changes necessary. Note that typically the DocumentExecuter and DocumentWriter are registered as singletons within the dependency injection container, as they can safely be shared between requests.

If you continue to use the Newtonsoft.Json converter, please note that ASP.NET Core 3.0 disallows synchronous IO by default, which is required by the converter. You will need to make a change in the ConfigureServices section of Startup.cs as follows:

// kestrel
services.Configure<KestrelServerOptions>(options =>
    options.AllowSynchronousIO = true;

// IIS
services.Configure<IISServerOptions>(options =>
    options.AllowSynchronousIO = true;

Please note that if you use a NameConverter other than the default CamelCaseNameConverter, you may need to configure your json serializer also to not convert object properties to camel case. For example, with the System.Text.Json converter, you need to set JsonSerializerOptions.PropertyNamingPolicy = null; as follows:

var writer = new GraphQL.SystemTextJson.DocumentWriter(options => {
    options.PropertyNamingPolicy = null;


The definition of the UserContext object throughout the library has changed to a IDictionary<string, object>. Custom user context classes will need to inherit from Dictionary<string, object> or otherwise support the interface.

//class MyContext
class MyContext : Dictionary<string, object>
    public DbContext MyDbContext { get; set; }

If you are going to use GraphQL.NET in an ASP.NET Core application, then you may be interested in the server project. It already implements all the necessary integration with GraphQL.NET via the custom ASP.NET Core middleware.

Document Listeners

The DocumentExecutionListenerBase<T> class and IDocumentExecutionListener<T> interface have been removed; please implement the IDocumentExecutionListener interface when creating a custom document listener. You can also inherit from the DocumentExecutionListenerBase class to provide default implementations of events.

The methods definitions have also changed from passing userContext and cancellationToken parameters to a single parameter context of type IExecutionContext. The context has properties for accessing the user context, cancellation token, metrics, execution errors, and other information about the executing request.

//class MyListener : DocumentExecutionListenerBase<MyContext>
class MyListener : DocumentExecutionListenerBase
    //public virtual Task AfterValidationAsync(MyContext userContext, IValidationResult validationResult, CancellationToken token)
    public Task AfterValidationAsync(IExecutionContext context, IValidationResult validationResult)
        var myContext = (MyContext)context.userContext;

        // log validation error

        return Task.CompletedTask;


IResolveFieldContext and IResolveConnectionContext

Field resolver methods now pass a reference to an IResolveFieldContext interface, rather than a ResolveFieldContext class. Inline lambda functions are typically unaffected, but if you define your resolvers separately, you will need to change the function signature.

class MyGraphType : ObjectGraphType
    public MyGraphType()
        Field("Name", resolve: x => "John Doe");
        Field("Children", resolve: GetChildren);

    //public IEnumerable<string> GetChildren(ResolveFieldContext context)
    public IEnumerable<string> GetChildren(IResolveFieldContext context)
        return new [] { "Jack", "Jill" };

Also please note that all IResolveFieldContext and similar interfaces and classes have moved from the GraphQL.Types namespace to the GraphQL namespace. You may need to add a using GraphQL; statement to some of your files.

There are also several new properties of IResolveFieldContext that were not present on the prior ResolveFieldContext class, such as RequestServices and ResponsePath, and the constructor of the ResolveFieldContext class has changed. Custom implementations will need to implement the new properties. Please see the IResolveFieldContext interface for a complete list of properties that are required to be implemented.

Connection Builders

The connection builders have changed slightly. Please see https://graphql-dotnet.github.io/docs/getting-started/relay for current implementation details.

Field Middleware

Field Middleware must be registered in the dependency injection container in order to be instantiated. You also need to implement the IFieldMiddleware interface on your custom middleware classes, and change the signature for the Resolve method to accept IResolveFieldContext.

//class MyMiddleware
class MyMiddleware : IFieldMiddleware
    //public async Task<object> Resolve(ResolveFieldContext context, FieldMiddlewareDelegate next)
    public async Task<object> Resolve(IResolveFieldContext context, FieldMiddlewareDelegate next)
        // your code here
        var ret = await next(context);
        // your code here
        return ret;

Please note that the delegate definition for FieldMiddlewareDelegate has changed as follows:

// version 2.4.0
public delegate Task<object> FieldMiddlewareDelegate(ResolveFieldContext context);
// version 3.0
public delegate Task<object> FieldMiddlewareDelegate(IResolveFieldContext context);

You also must ensure that your schema implements IServiceProvider. This is handled automatically if you inherit from Schema.

See Field Middleware for more details, including guidelines and restrictions on service lifetimes of middleware registered through your DI framework.

Data Loaders

Data loaders now return an IDataLoaderResult<T> rather than a Task<T>. Field resolver signatures may need to change as a result. Lambda functions passed to field builders' ResolveAsync method should not need to change.

public class OrderType : ObjectGraphType<Order>
    private readonly IDataLoaderContextAccessor _accessor;
    private readonly IUsersStore _users;

    // Inject the IDataLoaderContextAccessor to access the current DataLoaderContext
    public OrderType(IDataLoaderContextAccessor accessor, IUsersStore users)
        _accessor = accessor;
        _users = users;


        Field<UserType, User>()

    //public Task<User> ResolveUser(IResolveFieldContext context)
    public IDataLoaderResult<User> ResolveUser(IResolveFieldContext context)
        // Get or add a batch loader with the key "GetUsersById"
        // The loader will call GetUsersByIdAsync for each batch of keys
        var loader = _accessor.Context.GetOrAddBatchLoader<int, User>("GetUsersById", users.GetUsersByIdAsync);

        // Add this UserId to the pending keys to fetch
        // The task will complete once the GetUsersByIdAsync() returns with the batched results
        return loader.LoadAsync(context.Source.UserId);

If you need to process the data loader result before it is returned, additional refactoring will need to be done. The data loader also now supports chained data loaders, and asynchronous code prior to queuing the data loader. See Data loader documentation for more details.

DateGraphType parsing changes

In 2.x, the DateGraphType will always serialize to a date in the format of yyyy-MM-dd, ignoring any time component of the DateTime value. As an input type it would accept any date/time format accepted by the DateTime.Parse method. This allowed for ambiguous dates such as '09-10-2015', which has a different meaning depending on locale.

In 3.x, the output date format has not changed, but will throw an error if the DateTime value has a time component. The input date format now only accepts a format of yyyy-MM-dd. Any other format will trigger an input error. Note that the DateTime.Kind property for returned dates is set to DateTimeKind.Utc.

ExecutionStrategy changes

If you utilize data loaders along with a custom implementation of IExecutionStrategy (typically inheriting from ExecutionStrategy), you must change the implementation to monitor for IDataLoaderResult returned values, and execute GetResultAsync at the appropriate time to retrieve the actual value asynchronously. If the field resolver returns a Task<IDataLoaderResult>, the execution strategy should start the task as usual, only queuing the data loader once the IDataLoaderResult has been returned. Note that await IDataLoaderResult.GetResultAsync() may return another IDataLoaderResult which must again be queued to execute at the proper time.

To accommodate these changes, the ExecuteNodeAsync method has been split into three methods; the new methods are CompleteDataLoaderNodeAsync and CompleteNode. Please refer to the reference implementation of ParallelExecutionStrategy for an example.

Exception Handling

Exceptions have been split into three categories: schema errors, input errors, and processing errors. For instance, if an invalid query was passed to the DocumentExecuter, it would be considered an input error, and a SyntaxError would be thrown. Or if an invalid enum string was passed as a variable to a query, an InvalidValueError would be thrown. All validation rules that fail their respective tests are treated as input errors.

In 2.x, most schema errors would throw an exception of the ExecutionError type. This has been changed; now the thrown error is a native exception -- for instance, an ArgumentOutOfRange exception would be thrown when trying to add a field to a type with the same name as one that already exists. Many of these exceptions occur prior to executing a document; however, some occur during the schema initialization within the DocumentExecuter and are then treated as processing errors.

In 3.x, ExecutionError (and derived classes) are returned directly from the DocumentExecuter for parsing and validation errors (input errors). Field resolvers and middleware can also return input errors by throwing an ExecutionError exception.

Processing errors are now able to be caught within an optional UnhandledExceptionDelegate and processed, logged or masked as desired. By default, processing errors are masked and encapsulated in an UnhandledError and returned within the ExecutionResult. Alternatively, processing errors can be thrown back to the caller of the DocumentExecuter by setting ThrowOnUnhandledException to true.

See Error handling documentation for more details, samples, and a full list of exception types and codes.

SubscriptionExecuter removal

The SubscriptionExecuter class, previously marked as obsolete, has been removed. Use the DocumentExecuter in its place.


The ExecutionOptions.FieldNameConverter property has been replaced by the NameConverter property, and the corresponding class names have changed as well. Static instance members have been added to the included name converters. Below is a sample of the required change when using PascalCaseFieldNameConverter:

var executer = new DocumentExecuter();
var result = executer.ExecuteAsync(options => {


  //options.FieldNameConverter = new PascalCaseFieldNameConverter();
  options.NameConverter = PascalCaseNameConverter.Instance;

If you have written a custom name converter, you must now implement INameConverter rather than IFieldNameConverter, which has two methods, NameForField and NameForArgument, rather than only NameFor. There is also no need to check for introspection types, as GraphQL.NET will handle this automatically. Below is a sample of the changes required:

// version 2.4.x
public class MyConverter : IFieldNameConverter
    private static readonly Type[] IntrospectionTypes = { typeof(SchemaIntrospection) };

    public string NameFor(string field, Type parentType) => isIntrospectionType(parentType) ? field.ToCamelCase() : field.ToPascalCase();

    private bool isIntrospectionType(Type type) => IntrospectionTypes.Contains(type);

// version 3.0
public class MyConverter : INameConverter
    public string NameForField(string fieldName, IComplexGraphType graphType) => fieldName.ToPascalCase();

    public string NameForArgument(string argumentName, IComplexGraphType graphType, FieldType field) => argumentName.ToPascalCase();

Global references to the three introspection fields are now properties on ISchema

The three introspection field definitions for __schema, __type, and __typename have moved from static properties on the SchemaIntrospection class to properties of the ISchema interface, typically provided by the Schema class. Custom implementations of ISchema must implement three new properties: SchemaMetaFieldType, TypeMetaFieldType, and TypeNameMetaFieldType. These can be provided by the GraphTypesLookup class.

ISchema now implements IProvideMetadata (only for GraphQL.NET >= v3.2.0)

Formally it is a breaking change but practically clients shouldn't run into problems, as hardly anyone creates their own ISchema implementations preferring to inherit from Schema class.