GraphQL.NET Analyzer Documentation

This documentation provides an overview of the analyzers that have been included in GraphQL.NET and how to configure them using the .editorconfig file.


Analyzers in GraphQL.NET are tools that help you identify and address potential issues or improvements in your GraphQL code. This documentation covers currently available analyzers and code fixes, along with the methods to configure them.

Included Analyzers

1. FieldBuilderAnalyzer

This analyzer focuses on replacing obsolete methods involving field building. It aims to enhance code clarity and consistency by updating the way fields are defined. The primary transformation performed by this analyzer is as follows:


Field(name: "name", description..., resolver: ...)



2. FieldNameAnalyzer

The FieldNameAnalyzer detects the usage of the obsolete Name method on the field and connection builders and helps to rewrite the code to use builder creating methods that accept the name as an argument.


Connection<TGraphType, TSourceType>().Name("name")


Connection<TGraphType, TSourceType>("name")

3. ResolverAnalyzer

The ResolverAnalyzer focuses on identifying incorrect usage of resolver methods. It ensures that resolver methods are used only on output graph types and flags usage on other types as errors. Additionally, it offers a code fix that removes these incorrect usages.

4. InputGraphTypeAnalyzer

The analyzer verifies the input source type can be constructed and input graph type fields can be mapped to the source type during deserialization process.

5. FieldArgumentAnalyzer

The analyzer detects an obsolete Argument method usage and offers a code fix to automatically replace it with with another Argument overload.

6. AwaitableResolverAnalyzer

The analyzer detects awaitable resolver delegates used in sync Resolve or ResolveScoped methods and provides a code fix to replace them with an appropriate async version.

7. NotAGraphTypeAnalyzer

The analyzer identifies instances of incorrectly using GraphType as generic type argument, where the type argument should not be of type IGraphType.

8. OneOfAnalyzer

The analyzer validates the correct definition of the OneOf input object fields.

Configuration in .editorconfig

Certain analyzers and code fixes offer configuration options that control when the rule is applied and how the automatic code fix executes code adjustments. Refer to the specific documentation page for each analyzer to understand the available configuration options and their application methods.

Set rule severity

You can set the severity for analyzer rules in .editorconfig file with the following syntax:

dotnet_diagnostic.<rule ID>.severity = <severity>

For example

dotnet_diagnostic.GQL001.severity = none

Note: configuration keys are case insensitive

For more information about analyzers configuration see Code Analysis Configuration Overview